Podcast: What Companies Expect from Testers in 2024 - StaleElement
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Podcast: What Companies Expect from Testers in 2024

Podcast: What Companies Expect from Testers in 2024

Reading Time: < 1 minute

We As a tester always discuss what we want from organisation, like CTC πŸ€‘ , more holiday πŸ– or respect for QA professionals.But do we ever discuss about What Companies Expect from Testers in 2024? πŸ€”

I got the opportunity to be the guest on Salesforce Testing Guy‘s podcast with host πŸŽ™Gandharv Madan. And that’s what we discussed in this interesting conversation.

During the conversation, we delved into:

🎯 Evolving expectations of QA professionals in the ever-changing software landscape.
🎯 Key skills & mindsets testers need to develop to thrive in their roles.
🎯 Strategies for demonstrating value and propelling your testing career forward.


A great mindmap was created by Rishikesh Vajre to summarise this podcast, you can also refer to that:

To learn more about testing explore other articles from Staleelement.

Yogendra Porwal

As an experienced Architect In Test Automation, I bring over 10 years of expertise in Quality Assurance across diverse software domains. With technical proficiency in multiple verticals of testing, including automation, functional, performance and security testing among others, my focus is on applying this knowledge to enhance the overall quality assurance process. I also like to go on long journeys with my bike , do sketching in my free time and have keen interest in video games.

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